Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM) Calculations
Simplified Building Energy Model or (SBEM) Calculations are the approved methodology used to calculate the energy efficiency of a non-domestic building. SBEM calculates the monthly energy use and CO² emissions.
SBEM Calculations are required for all new build non-domestic buildings with a heated or cooled environment and an internal floor area over 50 sqm to determine CO² emission rates in compliance with Part L2A of the Building Regulations in England and Wales. Some extensions to non-domestic buildings may also require an SBEM Calculation.
Like SAP Calculations, an SBEM Assessment is required:- 1) at the design stage before construction commences, and then submitted to building control; and 2) an As-Built SBEM Calculation is required once construction is completed.
Eden SAP Services can assist you with level 3 and 4 SBEM Calculations.

To discuss your your SBEM requirements, please call 03333 448949 or email